Occupational Health and Safety Code
The Occupational Health and Safety Code provides specific technical health and safety rules and requirements for Alberta workplaces.
- Part 1: Definitions and General Application
- Part 2: Hazard Assessment, Elimination and Control
- Part 3: Specifications and Certifications
Part 4: Chemical Hazards, Biological Hazards and Harmful Substances
- 16 Worker exposure to harmful substances
- 17 Exposure to multiple substances
- 18 Exposure during shifts longer than 8 hours
- 19 Review of exposure limits
- 20 Airborne concentration measurements
- 21 Potential worker exposure
- 22 Worker overexposure
- 23 Worker decontamination
- 24 Emergency baths, showers, eye wash equipment
- 25 Prohibited activities
- 26 Codes of practice
- 27 Storage of harmful substances
- 28 General provisions for asbestos, silica, coal dust and lead
- 29 Restricted area
- 30 Protective clothing used in restricted areas containing asbestos or lead
- 31 Release of asbestos
- 32 Prohibitions related to asbestos
- 33 Asbestos in air distribution systems
- 34 Asbestos in a building to be demolished
- 35 Encapsulation, enclosure or removal of asbestos
- 36 Notification of a project
- 37 Asbestos worker course
- 38 Containment and labelling of asbestos waste
- 39 Use of crystalline silica in abrasive blasting
- 40 Health assessments for workers exposed to asbestos, silica or coal dust
- 41 Lead exposure control plan
- 42 Lead — air monitoring
- 43 Medical monitoring for lead
- 43.1 Controlling mould exposure
Part 5: Confined Spaces
- 44 Code of practice
- 45 Hazard assessment
- 46 Training
- 47 Entry permit system
- 48 Safety and protection — generally
- 49 Protection — hazardous substances and energy
- 50 Unauthorized entry
- 51 Traffic hazards
- 52 Testing the atmosphere
- 53 Ventilation and purging
- 54 Inerting
- 55 Emergency response
- 56 Tending worker
- 57 Entry and exit
- 58 Retaining records
Part 6: Cranes, Hoists and Lifting Devices
- 59 Application
- 60 Not commercially manufactured
- 61 Identification of components
- 62 Rated load capacity
- 63 Load charts
- 64 Operator requirements
- 65 Log books
- 66 Preventing an unsafe lift
- 67 Preventing collisions
- 68 Load weight
- 68.1 Lift calculation
- 69 Loads over work areas
- 70 Tag and hoisting lines
- 71 Hand signals
- 72 Controls
- 73 Repairs and modifications
- 74 Containers for hoisting
- 75 A‒Frames and gin poles
- 75.1 Suspended personnel baskets
- 76 Installation and use
- 77 Equipment requirements
- 78 Operator responsibilities
- 79 Worker in lifting device
- 80 Holding suspended load
- 81 Safety code for material hoists
- 82 Rider restriction
- 83 Gate interlocks
- 84 Operator responsibilities
- 85 Signal systems
- 86 Hoist brakes
- 87 Location protected
- 88 Safety code for mobile cranes
- 88.1 Personnel baskets
- 89 Non‒destructive testing
- 90 Counterweights and outriggers
- 91 Warning device
- 92 Preventing damage
- 92.1 Load blocks
- 92.2 Outriggers
- 93 Electrical components and functions
- 94 Maintenance and inspection
- 95 Safe movement
- 95.1 Controls
- 96 Safety code for personnel hoists
- 97 Safe use and design
- 98 Protective enclosure
- 99 Design
- 100 Safety code for tower cranes
- 101 Limit devices
- 102 Operation
- 103 Changing components
- 104 Test weights
- 105 Structural testing and examination
- 106 Wind and temperature limitations
- 107 Multiple cranes
- 108 Safety requirements
- 109 Operator responsibilities
- 110 Hoist cage
- 111 Unguided suspended cage
- 112 Safety standards
- 113 Safe use
- 114 Safe practices
- Part 7: Emergency Preparedness and Response
Part 8: Entrances, Walkways, Stairways and Ladders
- 119 Safe entry and exit
- 120 Doors
- 121 Walkways, runways and ramps
- 122 Stairways
- 123 Handrails on stairways
- 124 Restriction on use
- 125 Prohibition on single rail
- 126 Prohibition on painting
- 127 Use near energized electrical equipment
- 128 Ladders on extending booms
- 129 Safe use
- 130 Design criteria
- 131 Fixed ladders in manholes
- 132 Rest platform exemption
- 133 Prohibition
- 134 Constructed portable ladder
- 135 Manufactured portable ladder
- 136 Securing and positioning
- 137 Fall protection
Part 9: Fall Protection
- 138 Rescue personnel exemption
- 139 General protection
- 140 Fall protection plan
- 141 Instruction of workers
- 142 Full body harness
- 142.1 Body belt
- 142.2 Lanyard
- 142.3 Shock absorber
- 143 Connectors, carabiners and snap hooks
- 144 Fall arresters
- 145 Self‒retracting device
- 146 Descent control device
- 147 Life safety rope
- 148 Adjustable lanyard for work positioning
- 148.1 Rope adjustment device for work positioning
- 149 Wood pole climbing
- 150 Equipment compatibility
- 150.1 Inspection and maintenance
- 150.2 Removal from service
- 150.3 Prusik and similar knots
- 151 Clearance, maximum arresting force and swing
- 152 Anchor strength — permanent
- 152.1 Anchor strength — temporary
- 152.2 Duty to use anchors
- 152.3 Independence of anchors
- 152.4 Wire rope sling as anchor
- 153 Flexible and rigid horizontal lifeline systems
- 153.1 Installation of horizontal lifeline systems
- 154 Fixed ladders and climbable structures
- 155 Fall protection on vehicles and loads
- 156 Boom‒supported work platforms and aerial devices
- 157 Water danger
- 158 Leading edge fall protection system
- 159 Procedures in place of fall protection equipment
- 160 Work positioning
- 161 Control zones
Part 10: Fire and Explosion Hazards
- 161.1 Flammable or explosive atmospheres a hazard
- 162 Prohibitions
- 162.1 Classification of work sites
- 163 Procedures and precautions
- 164 Contaminated clothing and skin
- 165 Protective procedures and precautions in hazardous locations
- 166 Internal combustion engines
- 167 Flare stacks, flare pits and flares
- 168 Industrial furnaces and fired heaters
- 169 Hot work
- 170 Hot taps
- 170.1 Spray operations
- 171 Compressed and liquefied gas
- 171.1 Welding — general
- 171.2 Gas welding or allied process
- 172 Storage compartments
- 173 Horizontal cylinder storage
- 174 Handling cylinders
- 175 Isolating methods
- 176 Pigging
- Part 11: First Aid
Part 12: General Safety Precautions
- 185 Housekeeping
- 186 Lighting
- 187 Pallets and storage racks
- 187.1 Placement of roofing materials
- 188 Restraining hoses and piping
- 189 Securing equipment and materials
- 190 Skeleton structures
- 191 Signallers
- 192 Stabilizing masonry walls
- 193 Tire servicing
- 194 Vehicle traffic control
- 195 Working on ice
Part 13: Joint Health and Safety Committees and Health and Safety Representatives
- 196 Application of this Part
- 196.1 Worker membership selection
- 196.2 Co-chairs of committee
- 197 Terms of reference
- 198 Special meetings of committees
- 199 Quorum
- 199.1 Posting names of committee members or health and safety representatives
- 199.2 Special meetings of representatives
- 199.3 Time away for committee or representative work and entitlement to pay
- 200 Repealed
- 201 Training
- 202 - 207
- Part 14: Lifting and Handling Loads
Part 15: Managing the Control of Hazardous Energy
- 212 Isolation re machinery, equipment or powered mobile equipment
- 213 Verifying isolation
- 214 Assigning personal locks
- 214.1 Securing by individual workers
- 215 Securing by group control procedures
- 215.1 Securing by complex group control procedures
- 215.2 Securing remotely controlled systems
- 215.3 Returning to operation
- 215.4 Isolation re piping or pipelines
- 215.5 215.5 Isolation requirements for piping or a pipeline
- 215.6 Pigging and testing of piping or pipelines
- Part 16: Noise
- Part 17: Overhead Power Lines
Part 18: Personal Protective Equipment
- 228 Duty to use personal protective equipment
- 229 Eye and face protectors
- 230 Contact lenses
- 231 Electric arc welding
- 232 Use of flame resistant clothing
- 233 Footwear
- 234 Protective headwear
- 235 Bicycles and skates
- 236 All‒terrain vehicles, snow vehicles, motorcycles
- 237 Firefighters
- 238 Bump hat
- 239 Exemption from wearing headwear
- 240 Compliance with standards
- 241 Use of jackets and flotation devices
- 242 Limb and body protection
- 243 Skin protection
- 244 Respiratory dangers
- 245 Code of practice
- 246 Approval of equipment
- 246.1 Repealed
- 247 Selection of equipment
- 248 Storage and use
- 249 Quality of breathing air
- 250 Effective facial seal
- 251 Equipment for immediate danger
- 252 Equipment — no immediate danger
- 253 Air purifying equipment
- 254 Emergency escape equipment
- 255 Abrasive blasting operations
Part 19: Powered Mobile Equipment
- 256 Operator responsibilities
- 257 Visual inspection
- 257.1 Repealed
- 258 Dangerous movement
- 259 Pedestrian traffic
- 260 Inspection and maintenance
- 261 Maintenance on elevated parts
- 262 Starting engines
- 263 Unattended equipment
- 264 Lights
- 265 Windows and windshields
- 266 Other safety equipment
- 267 Warning signal
- 268 Bulkheads
- 269 Guards and screens
- 270 Rollover protective structures
- 270.1 Repealed
- 271 Equipment with rollover protection
- 272 Falling objects protective structures
- 273 Recertification after modification
- 274 Fuel tank in cab
- 275 Worker transportation
- 276 Riding on loads
- 276.1 Repealed
- 277 Hazardous loads
- 278 Tank trucks
- 279 Refuelling
- 280 Three‒wheeled all‒terrain vehicles
- 281 Operator’s manual
- 282 Load and slope limitations
- 283 Load chart
- 284 Seat belt
- 285 Chocking
- 286 Pile hoisting
- 287 Restraining hoses and connections
- 288 Brake bands and clutches
- 289 Timber piles
- 290 Crane boom inspection
- 290.1 Licensing and mechanical inspection
- 290.2 Safety requirements
Part 20: Radiation Exposure
- 291 Prevention and protection
- 291.1 Shielding
- 291.2 X-ray equipment
- 291.3 Lasers
- 291.4 Radiation exposure limits
- 291.5 Monitoring worker exposure to ionizing radiation (dosimetry)
- 291.6 Additional protections for pregnant and young workers
- 291.7 Designated radiation equipment — registration certificate required
Part 21: Rigging
- 292 Breaking strength
- 292.1 Safety factors
- 293 Load ratings
- 294 Inspection
- 295 Prohibition
- 296 Rigging protection
- 297 Standards
- 298 Slings
- 299 Rope wound on drum
- 300 Cable clips
- 301 Ferrules
- 302 Matching components
- 303 Safety latches
- 304 Makeshift rigging and welding
- 305 Synthetic fibre slings
- 306 Wire rope
- 307 Metal mesh slings
- 308 Electric arc damage
- 309 Damaged hooks
- Part 22: Safeguards
Part 23: Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms
- 323 CSA Standard applies
- 324 Design
- 325 Load
- 326 Tagging requirements
- 327 Vertical ladder on scaffold
- 328 Working from a ladder
- 329 Scaffold planks
- 330 Scaffold platform
- 331 Metal scaffolding
- 332 Bracket scaffolds
- 333 Double‒pole scaffolds
- 334 Free‒standing or rolling scaffolds
- 335 Half‒horse scaffolds
- 336 Ladderjack scaffolds
- 337 Needle‒beam scaffolds
- 338 Outrigger scaffolds
- 339 Roofing brackets
- 340 Single‒pole scaffolds
- 341 Suspended scaffolds
- 342 Swingstage scaffolds
- 343 Requirements for swingstage scaffold
- 344 Safety on swingstage scaffolds
- 345 Workers on swingstage scaffolds
- 346 Worker safety
- 347 Standards
- 348 Permanent suspension powered work platforms
- 349 Fork‒mounted work platforms
- 350 Suspended man baskets
- 351 Boatswain’s chairs
- 352 Temporary supporting structures
- 353 Fly form deck panels
- Part 24: Toilets and Washing Facilities
Part 25: Tools, Equipment and Machinery
- 362 Contact by clothing, etc.
- 363 Machines close together
- 364 Moving workers
- 364.1 Repealed
- 365 Starting machinery
- 366 Preventing machine activation
- 367 Operator responsibilities
- 368 Controls
- 369 Immobilizing machinery
- 370 Drive belts
- 371 Continuous‒feed machinery
- 372 Elevated conveyor belts
- 373 Crossing conveyor belts
- 374 Actuated fastening tools
- 375 Grinders
- 376 Chainsaws
- 377 Circular saw blades
- 378 Band saw blades
- 379 Band saw wheels
- 380 Power‒fed circular saws
- 381 Cut‒off saws
- 382 Sawmill head rig
- 383 Sawmill log carriage
- 384 Robots
- 385 Teaching a robot
- Part 26: Ventilation Systems
Part 27: Violence and Harassment
- 389 Hazard assessment
- 390 Violence prevention plan
- 390.1 Violence prevention policy
- 390.2 Violence prevention procedures
- 390.3 Domestic violence
- 390.4 Harassment prevention plan
- 390.5 Harassment prevention policy
- 390.6 Harassment prevention procedures
- 390.7 Review of plans
- 391 Training of workers
- 391.1 Investigation and reporting of incidents
- 391.2 Treatment or referral
- 392 Entitlement to pay
- 392.1 Retail fuel and convenience store worker safety application
- 392.2 Additional requirements for violence prevention plan
- 392.3 Additional training required
- 392.4 Review of violence prevention plan and worker training
- 392.5 Personal emergency transmitter
- 392.6 Mandatory fuel prepayment
- Part 28: Working Alone
Part 29: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- 394.1 Definitions
- 395 Application
- 396 Hazardous waste
- 397 Training
- 398 Label required
- 399 Production or manufacture
- 400 Decanted products
- 401 Placards
- 402 Transfer of hazardous products
- 403 Laboratory samples
- 404 Safety data sheet — supplier
- 405 Safety data sheet — employer
- 406 Information current
- 407 Availability of safety data sheet
- 408 Claim for disclosure exemption
- 409 Interim non‒disclosure
- 410 Exemption from disclosure
- 411 Duty to disclose information
- 412 Information — confidential
- 413 Information to medical professional
- 414 Limits on disclosure
- Part 30: Demolition
- Part 31: Diving Operations
Part 32: Excavating and Tunnelling
- 441 Disturbing the ground
- 442 Classification of soil type
- 443 Soil stabilization
- 444 Marking an excavation
- 445 Water hazard
- 446 Worker access
- 447 Locating buried or concrete‒embedded facilities
- 448 Exposing buried facilities
- 449 Exemption
- 450 Methods of protection
- 451 Cutting back walls
- 452 Loose materials
- 453 Spoil piles
- 454 Power pole support
- 455 Safe entry and exit
- 456 Temporary protective structures
- 457 Alternatives to temporary protective structures
- 458 Installation of shoring, stringers or bracing
- 459 Access for powered mobile equipment
- 460 Dumping block
- 461 Underground shafts
- 462 Drilled or bored underground shaft
- 463 Prohibition
- 464 Tunnel
Part 33: Explosives
- 465 Repealed
- 466 Burning material
- 467 Repealed
- 468 Blasters
- 468.1 Certification of blasters
- 468.2 Repealed
- 468.3 Suspension and cancellation
- 468.4 Repealed
- 468.5 Employer report of blaster certificates
- 468.51 Blaster's report
- 468.52 Loss or theft of explosives
- 468.6 Repealed
- 468.7 Repealed
- 469 Repealed
- 470 Canadian guidelines
- 470.1 Magazines
- 470.2 Storage and disposal of explosives, fuse assemblies and detonators
- 470.3 Access to explosives
- 470.4 Removal from magazine
- 471 Repealed
- 472 Repealed
- 473 Transporting explosives
- 473.1 Vehicle requirements
- 473.2 Vehicle breakdown
- 474 Oldest explosives used first
- 475 Deteriorated, damaged or unsafe explosives
- 476 Repealed
- 477 Appropriate explosive strength and quantities
- 478 Repealed
- 479 Cartridge explosives
- 480 Tools
- 481 Priming
- 482 Repealed
- 483 Detonators
- 484 Adverse weather conditions
- 485 Excavating and drilling
- 486 Bootleg
- 486.1 Water damage
- 487 Size of bore hole
- 488 Safe positioning
- 488.1 Quantity of explosives
- 489 Unwinding leg wires
- 490 Electrical energy
- 491 Tamping explosives
- 492 Sequential detonation
- 493 Repealed
- 494 Stemming and leg wires
- 495 Testing detonators, circuits and blasting machines
- 496 Repealed
- 497 Connecting down lines to trunk cords
- 497.1 Ignition precautions
- 498 Community protection
- 498.1 Signs
- 499 Blast protection
- 499.1 Burning explosives
- 500 Repealed
- 501 Electromagnetic radiation
- 502 Above-ground explosive
- 503 Radiofrequency transmitters
- 504 Length of fuse assembly
- 505 Blasting machine
- 506 Shunting the blasting cable
- 507 Repealed
- 508 Repealed
- 509 Waiting period
- 510 Withdrawing a misfire
- 510.1 Working around a misfire
- 511 Undetonated explosives and misfires
- 512 Repealed
- 513 Removal of waste
- 514 Repealed
- 515 Avalanche control
- 516 Oil well blasting and oil well perforating
- 517 Seismic blasting
- 517.1 Display fireworks and pyrotechnic special effects operations
- 517.2 Secondary blasting
- 517.3 Application
- 517.4 Removal from magazine
- 517.5 Circuit requirements for blasting machines
- 517.6 Electrical cables and wires
- 517.7 Detonating cord
- 517.8 Blast holes
- 517.9 Blasting warnings
- 517.91 Unattended blast holes
- 517.92 Application
- 517.93 Drilling distances
- 517.94 Storage
- 517.95 Electric conveyance
- 517.96 Handling explosives underground
- 517.97 Mine shaft conveyance
- 517.98 Priming explosives
- 517.99 Explosive atmospheres
- 517.991 Blasting cable
- 517.992 Use of detonators
- 517.993 Series connection
- 517.994 Firing in the same round
- 517.995 Misfires
- 517.996 Misfire detonation and deactivation
- 517.997 Shock blasting
- 517.998 Explosives detonated from the surface
- 517.999 Permanent underground firing station
- 517.9991 Secondary blasting in underground mines
- Part 34: Forestry
- Part 35: Health Care and Industries with Biological Hazards
Part 36: Mining
- 531 Application
- 532 Building safety
- 533 Mine plan
- 533.1 Specifications or procedures
- 534 Reports
- 535 Excavation
- 536 Mine material and discards
- 537 Dust from drilling
- 538 Repealed
- 539 Haul roads
- 540 Repealed
- 541 Mine walls
- 542 Dumping block
- 543 Repealed
- 544 Reporting dangerous occurrences
- 545 Repealed
- 546 Emergency response
- 547 Firefighting training
- 548 Repealed
- 549 Repealed
- 550 Repealed
- 551 Repealed
- 552 Repealed
- 553 Repealed
- 554 Repealed
- 555 Repealed
- 556 Repealed
- 557 Repealed
- 558 Repealed
- 559 Repealed
- 560 Electrical standards
- 561 Repealed
- 562 Repealed
- 563 Repealed
- 564 Repealed
- 565 Repealed
- 566 Repealed
- 567 Repealed
- 568 Repealed
- 569 Repealed
- 570 Repealed
- 571 Repealed
- 572 Hand‒held electrical drills
- 573 Repealed
- 574 Rubber-tired self-propelled equipment
- 574.1 Autonomous equipment
- 575 Repealed
- 576 Repealed
- 577 Emergency energy
- 578 Hydraulic brakes
- 579 Dual-brake systems
- 580 Repealed
- 581 Repealed
- 582 Repealed
- 583 Repealed
- 584 Repealed
- 585 Periodic service brake testing
- 586 Repealed
- 587 Repealed
- 588 Auxiliary steering
- 589 Auxiliary pump
- 590 Auxiliary steering standards
- 591 Design safety factors
- 592 Clearance lights
- 593 Line of sight
- 594 Lights
- 595 Repealed
- 596 Repealed
- 597 Repealed
- 598 Fire resistance
- 599 Stopping
- 600 Distance surrounding conveyor belts
- 601 Combustible dust
- 602 Repealed
- 603 Riding conveyor belts prohibited
- 604 Inspecting conveyor
- 605 Repealed
- 606 Repealed
- 680 Application
- 681 Annual plan
- 682 Repealed
- 683 Supervision
- 684 Repealed
- 685 Underground mine manager
- 686 Combined operations
- 687 Working alone where coal is mined
- 688 Repealed
- 689 Unsafe areas
- 690 Work shift report and inspection
- 691 Repealed
- 692 Repealed
- 693 Ignition source restricted
- 693.1 Light metal alloys
- 693.2 Monitoring of flammability hazards
- 693.3 Fire precautions
- 693.4 Fireproofing
- 693.5 Protection around conveyors
- 693.6 Fire detection and suppression systems
- 693.7 Firefighting equipment
- 693.8 Water supply system for extinguishing fires
- 693.9 Carbon monoxide monitors
- 694 Marking ignition hazards
- 694.1 Repealed
- 695 Propane installations
- 696 Bulk fuel storage
- 697 Voice communication
- 697.1 Batteries
- 697.2 Switchgear
- 697.3 Clearances underground for rubber-tired, self-propelled equipment
- 697.4 Diesel-powered equipment
- 698 Repealed
- 699 Repealed
- 700 Portal
- 701 Outlets
- 702 Escape ways
- 702.1 Refuge stations
- 703 Protection from contact with moving equipment
- 703.1 Emergency warning system
- 703.2 Evacuation
- 703.3 Emergency response station
- 703.4 Respiratory protective equipment for emergency escape
- 704 Underground fuel stations
- 705 Diesel fuel
- 706 Control of equipment
- 707 Support system
- 708 Pillar extractions
- 709 Repealed
- 710 Repealed
- 711 Ventilation system
- 712 Air velocity
- 713 Return airway
- 714 Airlock doors
- 715 Stoppings
- 716 Seals
- 717 Chutes
- 718 Splits
- 719 Main fans
- 720 Reverse flows
- 721 Surface fans
- 722 Booster fans
- 723 Auxiliary fans
- 724 Brattice, vent tubes
- 725 Ventilation fans
- 726 Repealed
- 727 Repealed
- 728 Repealed
- 729 Operating in split
- 730 Gas inspections
- 731 Flammable gas levels
- 732 Diesel vehicle roads
- 733 Degassing procedures
- 734 Repealed
- 735 Repealed
- 736 Repealed
- 737 Repealed
- 738 Detection equipment for flammable and combustible gases
- 739 Repealed
- 740 Repealed
- 741 Roof bolting
- 742 Airborne dust control
- 743 Incombustible dust
- 744 Repealed
- 745 Explosion barriers
- 746 Repealed
- 747 Spacing between adjoining mining operations
- 748 Drill holes
- 749 Water or gas
- 749.1 Shaft access and hoisting equipment
- 749.2 Repealed
- 749.3 Repealed
- 749.4 Certification of underground mine managers and underground mine foremen
- 749.5 Repealed
- 749.6 Repealed
- 749.7 Repealed
- 749.8 Suspension and cancellation
- 749.9 Repealed
- 749.91 Repealed
- 749.92 Repealed
- 749.93 Repealed
Part 37: Oil and Gas Wells
- 750 Application
- 751.1 Health and safety orientation
- 752.1 Work site organization
- 752.2 Purging lines
- 752.3 Firefighting equipment
- 753 Operating load of derrick or mast
- 754 Derricks and masts
- 755 Reports for equipment inspections and repairs
- 755.1 Reports for rented or leased equipment inspections and repairs
- 756 Sliding prohibited
- 757 Repealed
- 758 Inspections and safety check
- 759 Repealed
- 760 Repealed
- 761 Exits from enclosures
- 762 Emergency escape
- 763 Guy lines and anchors
- 764 Repealed
- 765 Tubular storage
- 766 Drawworks
- 767 Brakes
- 768 Weight indicators
- 769 Travelling blocks
- 770 Worker lifting and rescue
- 771 Catheads
- 772 Repealed
- 773 Rotary table danger zone
- 774 Tong safety
- 775 Counterweights
- 776 Fluid pumping and piping systems
- 776.1 Controlling pressure hazards
- 777 Rig tank or pit enclosures
- 778 Repealed
- 779 Drill stem testing
- 780 Well swabbing
- 781 Well servicing
- 782 Well stimulation
- 783 Repealed
- 784 Gas sample containers
Part 38: Expired.
- Part 39: Tree Care Operations
Part 40: Utility Workers — Electrical
- 797 Application
- 798 Repealed
- 799 Protective devices or equipment
- 800 Safe work practices for electric utilities and rural electrification associations
- 801 Safe work practices for industrial power producers
- 802 Coordinated work
- 803 Communication lines, cables
- 804 Work on energized electrical equipment or lines (above 750 volts)
Part 41: Work Requiring Rope Access
- 805 Exemptions
- 806 Exemptions
- 807 Exemptions
- 808 Rope access safe work plan
- 809 Rope access safe work plan
- 810 Rope access safe work plan
- 811 Safe work practices
- 812 Instruction of workers
- 813 Tools and equipment
- 814 Equipment compatibility
- 815 Inspection and maintenance
- 816 Low stretch (static) and high stretch (dynamic) rope
- 817 Low stretch (static) and high stretch (dynamic) rope
- 818 Low stretch (static) and high stretch (dynamic) rope
- 819 Cow’s tail
- 820 Removal from service
- 821 Worker rescue
- 822 Worker rescue
- 823 Safe work practices
- 824 Safe work practices
- 825 Safe work practices
- 826 Worker competency
- 827 Worker’s personal logbook
- 828 Maximum arrest force, clearance, anchor strength
- 829 Maximum arrest force, clearance, anchor strength
- 830 Safety line
- 831 Head protection
- 832 Head protection
- 833 Head protection
- 834 Full body harness
- 835 Connecting components
- 836 Connecting components
- 837 Ascenders
- 838 Back-up devices
- 839 Descenders
- 840 Safe work practices
- 841 Worker competency
- 842 Fall factor, clearance, anchorage strength
- 843 Fall factor, clearance, anchorage strength
- 844 Head protection
- 845 Head protection
- 846 Head protection
- 847 Sit harness
- 848 Full body harness
- 849 Connecting components
- Schedule 1: Chemical Substances
- Schedule 2: First Aid
- Schedule 3: Noise
- Schedule 4: Safe Limit of Approach Distances
- Schedule 5: Cable Clips on Wire Rope
Schedule 6: Dimensions of Scaffold Members
- Table 1: Light duty double pole scaffolds less than 6 metres in height
- Table 2: Light duty double pole scaffolds 6 metres or more in height
- Table 3: Heavy duty double pole scaffolds less than 6 metres in height
- Table 4: Heavy duty double pole scaffolds 6 metres or more in height
- Table 5: Half‒horse scaffolds less than 3 metres in height
- Table 6: Half‒horse scaffolds 3 metres to 5 metres in height
- Table 7: Single‒pole scaffolds less than 6 metres in height
- Table 8: Single‒pole scaffolds 6 metres to 9 metres in height
- Schedule 7: Toilets at a Work Site
- Schedule 8: Saw Blade Crack Limits
- Schedule 9: Shoring Component Dimensions
- Schedule 10: Minimum Separation Distances
Schedule 11: Repealed
- Schedule 12: Radiation Exposure
Part 14 Lifting and Handling Loads
An employer must provide, where reasonably practicable, appropriate equipment for lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, handling or transporting heavy or awkward loads.
An employer must ensure that workers use the equipment provided under subsection (1).
Workers must use the equipment provided for lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, handling or transporting heavy or awkward loads.
For the purposes of this section, a heavy or awkward load includes equipment, goods, supplies, persons and animals.
Adapting heavy or awkward loads
If the equipment provided under section 208 is not reasonably practicable in a particular circumstance or for a particular heavy or awkward load, the employer must take all practicable means to
(a) adapt the load to facilitate lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, handling or transporting the load without injuring workers, or
(b) otherwise minimize the manual handling required to move the load.
Work site design — health care facilities
An employer must ensure that appropriate patient/client/resident handling equipment is adequately incorporated into the design and construction of
(a) a new health care facility, and
(b) a health care facility undergoing significant physical alterations, renovations or repairs.
An employer must ensure that any new patient/client/resident handling equipment installed at an existing work site, including vehicles in which patient/client/resident handling occurs, fits adequately in the space intended for it.
Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to health care facility construction, alterations, renovations or repairs started before July 1, 2009.
Patient/client/resident handling
An employer must develop and implement a safe patient/client/resident handling program if workers are required to lift, transfer or reposition patients/clients/residents.
The program required by subsection (1) must include an annual evaluation of its effectiveness at preventing worker injuries.
An employer must ensure that workers follow the safe handling program required by subsection (1).
Workers must follow the safe handling program required by subsection (1).
Assessing manual handling hazards
Before a worker manually lifts, lowers, pushes, pulls, carries, handles or transports a load that could injure the worker, an employer must perform a hazard assessment that considers
(a) the weight of the load,
(b) the size of the load,
(c) the shape of the load,
(d) the number of times the load will be moved, and
(e) the manner in which the load will be moved.
Before a worker performs any manual patient/client/resident handling activities, an employer must perform a hazard assessment that considers the worker’s physical and mental capabilities to perform the work.
If the hazard assessment required by section 7 and subsections (1) and (2) determines that there is a potential for musculoskeletal injury, an employer must ensure that all reasonably practicable measures are used to eliminate or reduce that potential in accordance with section 9.
Related Links to Assessing manual handling hazards
Musculoskeletal injuries
If a worker reports to the employer what the worker believes to be work‑related symptoms of a musculoskeletal injury, the employer must promptly
(a) review the activities of that worker, and of other workers doing similar tasks, to identify work‑related causes of the symptoms, if any, and
(b) take corrective measures to avoid further injuries if the causes of the symptoms are work‑related.
Training to prevent musculoskeletal injury
An employer must ensure that a worker who may be exposed to the possibility of musculoskeletal injury is trained in specific measures to eliminate or reduce that possibility.
An employer must ensure that the training referred to in subsection (1) includes
(a) identification of factors that could lead to a musculoskeletal injury,
(b) the early signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal injury and their potential health effects, and
(c) preventive measures including, where applicable, the use of altered work procedures, mechanical aids and personal protective equipment.